10K & 5K
MAY 26TH 2024

USA INFO CALL (786) 269-3432
1 (268) 562-3030
Email: stanli00@yahoo.com

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register?
Online at www.runinparadise.com or on ticketing app until May 20th or at the local stores that will be advised, and at race packet pickup at YASCO on May 25th from 2pm to 5pm. NOTE: Rate changes with time so register early for best prices.
What are the registration fees?
Click to register on the website for the rate schedule.
Where is race packet pickup going to be?
YASCO Sports Complex on Old Parham Rd. opposite Christ The King High Scool.
Saturday May 25th, 2024 at 2pm – 5pm
What time does the race start?
Half Marathon at 5:00am / 10k runners 5:30a.m. / 5k runners 6:00a.m.
Which direction does the race start?
Half Marathon East. (see the course map)
Where is the starting line?
Half Marathon and 10K at Hodges Bay. (click on “ THE RACE” and see the map)
Will there be starting corrals?
There are no corrals but we suggest you lineup according to your speed with faster runners in front.
Are there port-o-lets/bathrooms on the course?
Port-o-lets are on the course and are easily identifiable as well as at the Start/finish line.
How many water stops and/or replenishment stations?
Water/Powerade is provided every mile.
Is there any water (at the starting line)?
Yes. Water is located near the start line.
Where is gear check?
Gear check is at the start lines. Please use your clear gear check bag.
I’m a slow runner. Is the course clearly marked?
The course is clearly marked with mile markers, signs, police officers and spectators.
Are there timing clocks at each mile?
No, however, timing checks are provided at the finish line from the chips on your bibs.
Is there medical course support?
An ambulance will be patrolling the course, the water stops are manned by student nurses and cyclists are also on course and they can alert the medical team/ambulance. There is also a medical team at the finish line.
What is the course elevation?
The course is basically flat with a few slight hills.
What is the course cut-off time?
4 hours
Where is my timing chip?
Your timing chip is affixed to your bib. Please do not bend. The bib must be worn on the front of your body with the number visible.
What all does my registration fee include?
Technical shirt, goody bag, finishers medal, breakfast, official finishing time, secured race course and a finish line party!
Can I get a refund, defer my registration to another year or transfer to someone else?
Registration is not transferrable or refundable and may not be deferred.
What is the name of the charity?
Can I come as a spectator or volunteer?
Yes. Please let us know what you want to volunteer to do.